Graduate Student Muhammad Ana presenting poster

Participants at ASAS meeting shine

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NDSU graduate students Muhammad Anas, Jennifer Hurlbert and Kathlyn Hauxwell; postdoc fellows Pauliane Pucetti and Rebecca Swanson; and visiting scientists Ellem Matos, Matheus Carlis and German Zamudio participated in the American Society of Animal Sciences-Canadian Society of Animal Sciences-Western Sectional American Society of Animal Sciences (ASAS-CSAS-WSASAS) annual meeting in Calgary in July.

Hurlbert presented her awardee talk, as she was chosen for the Western Section Ph.D. Young Scholar recognition. Anas presented in the ASAS Graduate Student Poster Competition for Ph.D. and is awaiting the results. This was Anas last time representing NDSU Animal Sciences as a graduate student, as he plans to defend this fall.