Miranda Meehan Dickinson REC

Faculty and students attend REC field days

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Several faculty and students from the Department of Animal Sciences provided updates on their research at the NDSU Research Extension Centers’ annual field days in July. Many of the field days showcased precision agriculture technologies. 

Central Grasslands field day
Dr. Carl Dahlen talks at the Central Grasslands REC Field Day on July 8 about projects in beef cattle focusing on sire nutrition prior to breeding.

The Central Grasslands REC held a precision livestock tour on July 8 during which Dr. Miranda Meehan gave an update on the use of virtual fence in grazing systems. M.S. student Josh Wianecki presented on systems for monitoring livestock water levels, while Ph.D. student Jennifer Hurlbert talked about research using smart feeders to supplement cattle on range and scales to monitor cattle performance. 


Miranda Meehan Dickinson REC
Dr. Miranda Meehan shows a virtual fence collar at Dickinson REC livestock tour on July 10.

Dr. Carl Dahlen provided an update on his bull development data. Undergraduate intern Heather Sutherland gave information on her internship project evaluating the relationship between Extension-provided water screenings and livestock water development projects funded by the North Dakota Department of Water Resources during the 2021 drought. 


Guillermo Scaglia presents at Field Day

Dr. Meehan also gave updates on virtual fence at the Dickinson and Carrington REC livestock tours, and Dr. Guillermo Scaglia provided an overview of precision livestock technologies during the Carrington REC livestock tour.