PreVet S Africa Study abroad

South Africa study abroad trip enriches pre-vet students

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Prevet Student and Bobcat
Prevet Student and Hippo

From May 25 to June 9, members of NDSU’s Pre-Veterinary Medicine Club embarked on a trip to Oudtshoorn, South Africa, with the study abroad organization Loop Abroad. Participants included Nick Cooper, Talia McDaniel, Olivia Lebrun and Ellie Wengelski. 

The group learned about the conservation of big cats along with many other species housed at Cango Wildlife Ranch. During the time spent at the ranch the group worked alongside a conservation veterinarian to learn more about the veterinary care required for these animals, captive breeding, and the impact that dwindling numbers of native animals has on the environment. 

Activities on the trip included creating enrichment items, observing surgery and necropsy procedures, learning safe handling techniques, and going on a safari. -Ellie Wengelski