PHD Student Kazi Sarjana Safain

Grad student receives three awards at ASN

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PHD Student Kazi Sarjana Safain

PhD Student Kazi Sarjana Safain presented two research projects at the annual conference of the American Society for Nutrition (ASN) in Chicago. Her projects were titled “Tissue-specific impact of one-carbon metabolite supplementation and nutrient restriction in gestating heifers on fetal mitochondrial-related gene profiles” and “One-carbon metabolite supplementation influence fetal liver metabolites and metabolic pathways in a diet-dependent manner during early pregnancy in heifers.” 

She received three awards at this meeting including first place in the Emerging Leaders in Experimental Animal Nutrition poster competition, second place in the Emerging Leaders in Energy and Macronutrient Metabolism poster competition, and third place in the Young Investigators Underrepresented in Nutrition oral competition.