Danny Ferguson


Post-doctoral Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Jenni Momsen

Research interests: Evolution education; Effective pedagogy on controversial science topics; Effective learning strategies for undergraduate students.  

Contact: daniel.ferguson@ndsu.edu


Grace Hirzel


Post-Doctoral Fellow 
Advisor: Dr. Kendra Greenlee and Jarrad Prasifka (USDA-ARS)

Research Interests: Effects of intra-specific floral variation on insect pollinators; Sexual dimorphism in insect behavior and sensory biology

Contact (Email): grace.hirzel@ndsu.edu

Meredith Johnson


Post-doctoral Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Julia Bowsher and Dr. Kendra Greenlee

Research interests: Insect Physiology; Pollinator Resilience; Thermal Biology

Contact: meredith.johnson.2@ndsu.edu

Samuel Lane


Post-doctoral Fellow 
Advisor: Dr. Britt Heidinger and Dr. Timothy Greives

Research interests: Integrative Oranismal Biology; Endocrinlolgy; Neuroscience; Animal Behavior

Contact:  samuel.lane@ndsu.edu

Rebecca Reichenbach

Post-doctoral Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Jenni Momsen

Research interests: I am interested in effective mentoring at critical transition points: (1) post-baccalaureates - think of this as the "gap" between earning a Bachelor's and entering graduate school - and (2) the rural student experience as they transition into university level courses. How can we best support them and other under-represented groups so they stay in our field? I am also investigating student understanding of stochastic processes with the goal of developing a more effective approach to instruction. 

Contact: rebecca.reichenbach@ndsu.edu

Andre Szejner-Sigal


Post-Doctoral Fellow
Advisors: Dr. Kendra Greenlee and Dr. Julia Bowsher

Research Interests: Insect Ecophysiology and Seasonality; Aging and Stress Physiology; Thermal physiology and Energetics 

Contact (Email):andre.szejnersigal@ndsu.edu

Tara Slominski

Post-doctoral Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Momsen

Research Interests: Systems and systems thinking skills; Physiology education; Crosscutting STEM concepts and instruction; Diversity, equity, and inclusion in higher education

Contact: tara.slominski@ndsu.edu

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