Timothy Greives

Associate Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
Email: timothy.greives@ndsu.edu
Phone: Email Only
Office: Stevens 324
Lab Home Page
Research Interests
Physiological and evolutionary mechanisms regulating life-history transitions in seasonal environments. Trade-offs between physiological systems, particularly between energetic investment into reproduction and immune function (as a proxy for survival). Identification of selective forces acting to favor precise timing mechanisms, fitness value of functional endogenous clocks.
Recent Publications
Stager, M., Senner, N.R., Swanson, D.L., Carling, M.D., Eddy, D.K., Greives, T.J., Cheviron, Z.A. 2021.Temperature heterogeneity correlates with intraspecific variation in physiological flexibility in a small ectotherm. Nature Communications. 12: 4401
Stonefish, D., Eshleman, M.A., Linz, G.M., Homan, H.J., Klug, P.E., Greives, T.J., Gillam. E.H. In press.Migration routes and wintering areas of male Red-winged Blackbirds as determined using geolocators. Journal of Field Ornithology.
§Elderbrock, E.K., Hau, M. Greives, T.J. 2021. Sex steroids modulate circadian behavioral rhythms in captive animals, but does this matter in the wild? Hormones and Behavior. 128: 104900. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.yhbeh.2020.104900
Kimmit, A.A., Webb, A.L, Greives, T.J., Ketterson, E.D. 2020. Migrant and resident female songbirds differ in gonadal response to upstream stimulation during seasonal sympatry. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 293: 113469
†Graham, J.L., †Needham, K.B., *Bertucci, E.M., *Person, A.A., §Bauer, C.M., Greives, T.J. 2019. Onset of daily activity in a female songbird is related to peak-induced estradiol levels. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 59: 1059-1067.
*undergraduate trainee, †graduate trainee, §post-doctoral trainee.