Upcoming Presentations

Learn more about the current research in the field from guest speakers, and current/previous graduate students.
Speakers will provide invaluable information regarding drafting your thesis, apply for jobs, and entering the workforce or postdoctoral position.

Matt Warner September 11, 2024 Professional Development 12-1 pm Sugihara Hall, Room 252
Olivia Stiller September 25, 2024 Chimera 12-1 pm Sugihara Hall, Room 252
Spencer Gilman September 27, 2024 Former Graduate Student Experience 4:30-5:30 pm Sugihara Hall, Room 252
Ben Lebeau October 9, 2024 Chemdraw 12-1 pm Sugihara Hall, Room 252
Quinlyn Waulters-Kline October 11, 2024   5-6 pm Sugihara Hall, Room 252
Evan Culver TBD   TBD TBD
Sam Wyatt TBD   TBD TBD
Benchmark Preparation

Have a presentation coming up?
Attend our benchmark prep to practice with people in and outside the field!
This prep session can be especially useful for those presenting second year seminars, mini/maxi proposals, as well as a final thesis defense.

Useful Software

Join us for tips and tricks regarding relevant software that can benefit your research and writing experience!
Software includes:
Matt Warner--Microsoft Office Suites
Matt Warner--Citation Managing
September 11th, 12-1 PM, Sugihara 252--Olivia Stiller, Chimera
Chemdraw (TBD)


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