The College of Engineering at NDSU has a long-standing, nationally-recognized reputation for producing high-quality, innovative and successful engineers. With your gift you will help prepare the next generation to address national and global challenges. Thank you for your generosity and continued support of the College of Engineering.
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Donor stories

Spencer Duin credits his NDSU education for his career success. In 2018, Duin and his wife, Carol, established the Spencer and Carol Duin Endowed Fellowship to support faculty and educational excellence in the College of Engineering.

Many grandparents are thrilled to see their grandchildren go off the college. Edwin and Barbara Zimmermann are no exception. That experience sparked their desire to help students studying mechanical engineering at NDSU.

Timothy Welch and his wife Donna created the Welch Faculty Fellowship to help College of Engineering faculty take their innovative research to the next level and build on the success of their strong educational programming.

Matt Vettel credits his NDSU professors for helping find excellent opportunities as an engineering graduate. Vettel and his wife, Jenna, established the Vettel Family Fellowship to support a faculty member in the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering.