K-12 Professionals

Teachers matter and so should your professional development.

K-12 Professionals

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We know professional development classes are important to you. Not only are professional development classes imperative to maintaining your teaching license, they also allow you to increase your pay through lane changes and salary advancement. That is why our staff work hard to ensure you are registered for your professional development classes quickly, receive adequate information about your class, and ensure grades are posted promptly.

Sometimes these classes are called continuing education for teachers or continuing professional education credits. At NDSU we refer to all classes educators take to stay updated in their field as K-12 professional development classes. Educators we serve include teachers in a regular classroom, special education, art, music, physical education, and more. We also serve school counselors, coaches, administrators, and other individuals who work with youth in the K-12 education system and its associated extracurricular activities. All classes listed are at the graduate professional-development level, which means they are graduate level but are not eligible for use on a master's program of study. 

Sign up for our newsletter to receive information about new professional development classes as well as information about other activities that may benefit you or your students.

In the next section, you will find the information you need to find and register for classes as well as how to offer a professional development class. 


List of PD Classes

A curated list of professional development classes that meet NDSU's high-quality standards. Classes are ideal for K-12 educators for staff development and skill enhancement. 

Find A Course >>

Registration Information

Includes information on registering for a professional development class, cancellation, tuition & fees, accreditation, and much more.

Get Registration Details >>

Offer a Class

Includes information and required forms to offer a K-12 professional development class.

Propose a Course >>




View instructions for ordering official and unofficial transcripts.

Get Transcript Instructions >>


A list of endorsements with classes available through our DCE program.

Search Endorsements >>

K-12 Resources

Use these resources to find assistance and better your teaching.

View Resources >>




K-12 professional development online and face-to-face classes, offered through NDSU Office of Teaching and Learning's Distance and Continuing Education program, are accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and are approved through the academic departments and colleges at NDSU. 

These classes are designed for maintaining your teaching license or for pay scale increases. In general, they are not applicable for use on a degree program of study, though the final decision is up to the college or university you would seek to transfer these courses to. 

NDSU strongly recommends that you seek approval from your school, district, licensing entity, or college/university prior to enrolling in the course of your choice.


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