Office of Teaching and Learning
A supportive place to find workshops, resources, and assistance to better your teaching. With extensive experience in successful grant writing at all levels, Office of Teaching and Learning staff are available to work with you as part of your grant application team. Meeting space is available for your education-related initiatives. Our reach is broad, encompassing all subject areas and interdisciplinary approaches to education.

About OTL
Information on our strategic plan, staff, office hours, and contact information.

Discover and register for upcoming events and workshops for faculty, instructors, and graduate students.

Instructional Resources
Quality learning begins with quality teaching. Find resources to improve your teaching.
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High-school students and their parents are savvy consumers when it comes to college in high-school classes. They want the classes they take to apply directly to their degree program or to their…
What sessions will you attend?
Who will close out this year's conference?