DCE Updates & News
Put these books on your reading list!
Why should your child take early-entry classes?
Early-Entry Students Encouraged To Apply
Deadline is today!
Are you qualified to teach professional development for us?
Have you registered your students yet?
Early entry and dual credit are two college in high-school programs offered at NDSU. Both options at NDSU offer discounted tuition, continued challenge, and an opportunity to study a subject your…
Get your students started on their course selections today!
Learn how metacognition affects your students' learning.
Watch these new videos with your classes today!
Join us for a dual-credit and early-entry student orientation.
Both the application and registration forms are due in early January.
Tip: Use your holiday break to plan and submit a summer PD course.
Learn more about the EL endorsement classes we offer.
Submit your students' dual-credit registrations today.
Learn what the most important thing you should do before ordering your official transcript.
Find instructions on how to get your PD class approved for credit through NDSU.
October 20 & 21, 2022
Sanford Health Athletic Complex, Fargo, ND
The Office of Teaching and Learning will host a booth at the upcoming Discover NDSU resource fair. If you know of a student who is…
If you are in need of a transcript, whether official or unofficial, you can find instructions on how to do that at the links below.
Individuals are encouraged to review their unofficial transcript…
Find out when Avenues of Scientific Discovery is happening this year.
Don't let your students miss out on this fun learning opportunity!
Update at 1:03 P.M.: Registration system is up and running. Contact our office with any registration issues.
Complete classes for the English Learner Endorsement!
Attend one of two orientation sessions to ensure you or your students are fully prepared to begin their dual-credit class.
Don't let your students miss out on these dual-credit classes!
Join us Monday, May 23, 2022, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Via Zoom
A key to successful learning involves the process of knowledge application. Yet, as teachers understand, there are only so many hours in a school day, month, even year. Demonstrating how important…
The greatest thing about planning ahead is that you always know what is coming, right?
Errrr… then a random pandemic comes along and all of a sudden, your well-made plans are no longer viable.
For most of us, what was considered our normal daily way of life has changed dramatically over the past few weeks. Schools have gone to on-line instruction, people are being told to use social…