Frequently Asked Questions

When should I purchase a computer?

Fall of 2nd year. Check with current requirements from Department 


When should I register for graduate school?

Spring of 3rd year


When should I decide on my Thesis topic? 

4th year


What are some ideas of electives or fun classes that I can take?

Art classes such as Painting 1 or Intro to Ceramics, Horticulture, World Religions, Photography, Intro to  Marketing, Welding, Choir, Yoga, or Billiards 


When should I start applying for internships? 

Typically after the 3rd year


What should I include in an internship application? - Mini portfolio, resume, cover letter?

Design, Construction, and process drawings.


Where are places/events that will help me network?

Firm Crawl, Career Fair, Pizza Summit, Beaux Arts, NDASLA, ASLA



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