Sept. 25, 2024

NDSU schedules events for voter registration, education


A series of NDSU initiatives will educate students on how and where to vote in upcoming elections and highlight the importance of participating in local and national elections. 

NDSU’s Department of Political Science and Public Policy invites students to attend their first PoliTALKS event titled “How to Vote,” on Wednesday, Sept. 25 at 4 p.m. in Minard Hall room 118. 

 The event will walk students through the process of voting in a presidential election and address questions on the upcoming election, including whether you are eligible to vote in North Dakota or Minnesota, if you can vote near campus or if you need to vote absentee, whether you want to vote by mail, what documents you need to bring with you to vote and what you aren't allowed to say or do in or near a polling place. 

Cass County voting officials will be in attendance to ensure that questions about voting in North Dakota get precise and up-to-date answers. Those voting in Minnesota also will receive help registering, finding a polling place and applying to vote absentee or by mail. 

 Upcoming PoliTALKS: Community discussions led by NDSU political science faculty include:

·         October 9: The 2024 Election

·         October 23: North Dakota State Politics

On Monday, Sept. 30 the Student Activities Office will launch a week-long campaign titled “Be Herd, Vote,” which will center on voter registration information. Memorial Union posters will encourage students to vote, a display case will have answers to frequently asked questions surrounding voting and a contact table will be set up until Friday, Oct. 4 in the sandbox area of the Memorial Union with laptops and voter registration information to help answer students’ questions on how to vote. 

The Dean of Students Office also will distribute a three-part newsletter to students. The first newsletter on Sept. 17 focused on Freedom of Speech. The second newsletter highlighting voter registration will go out prior to Sept. 30. The third of the series will highlight civil discourse in October.

Categories: Events
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