March 23, 2020

Graduate student recognized at weed science meeting


NDSU plant sciences doctoral student and research specialist Nathan Haugrud won first place in the Western Society of Weed Science graduate student oral paper contest at the WSWS and Weed Science Society of America joint annual meeting held March 2-5 in Maui, Hawaii.

Haugrud presented “Inter-row Cultivation to Supplement Residual Herbicide Programs in Sugarbeet” in the Integrated Weed Management and Weeds of Horticultural Crops section. He summarized research on inter-row cultivation in sugarbeet, concluding that cultivation is a valuable tool to remove herbicide-resistant weeds, but cultivation performed on an underdeveloped sugarbeet canopy can lead to further weed emergence.

Haugrud earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at NDSU. His bachelor’s degree is in crop and weed sciences and he was advised by Kevin McPhee, former pulse crops breeder. His master’s degree is in plant sciences and he was advised by Tom Peters, Extension weed science and sugarbeet specialist. Following the completion of his master’s degree, Haugrud was hired as a research specialist in Extension weed control.

Haugrud’s doctoral research is on Goss's bacterial wilt and leaf blight of corn and how its severity is affected by corn herbicide systems. He is advised by Extension weed specialist Joe Ikley.

Other NDSU plant sciences personnel who presented at the meeting included graduate students Aaron Froemke and Kelly Satrom; graduate student and research specialist Joseph Mettler; and faculty members Harlene Hatterman-Valenti, Kirk Howatt, Joe Ikley and Andy Robinson.

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