March 27, 2020

NDSU graduate student wins horticultural science contest


Graduate student Jesse Puka-Beals has been named one of five winners of the American Society for Horticultural Science eOrganic Article Competition.

He receives registration, travel and lodging expenses for the society’s annual conference. He also will present research at the conference, which is scheduled for Aug. 9-13 in Orlando, Florida.

In addition, his peer refereed article will be published to the eOrganic public website. The title of Puka-Beals’ research article is “Hydromulching: Another New Approach for Weed Management in Organic Agriculture.”

He is a master’s degree student in the Department of Plant Sciences advised by Greta Gramig, associate professor of plant sciences.

The ASHS is a professional society for horticultural researchers and scientists, students, industry horticulturists and government agencies in all states and several other countries.

As a student focused, land-grant, research university, we serve our citizens.

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