Psychologists study a broad range of thought and behavior, from normal to abnormal, in both individuals and social groups. What distinguishes psychology from other fields is its strong research orientation. Research laboratories at NDSU include experimental rooms for the following: human research, sound-attenuated chambers, group lab suite, virtual reality display system, and driving simulator.
Laboratory facilities include advanced equipment for studying human perception, brain function, information processing and social interaction. Because NDSU’s program emphasizes the scientific approach to the study of behavior, student research is strongly encouraged.
Undergraduate students often serve as research assistants working closely with faculty and graduate students. Current research includes projects on health, vision, virtual reality/multi-sensory integration, information processing, behavior modification, emotion, depression, history of psychology and group processes.

Psychology students at NDSU
can choose from a number of major programs and emphases. They are encouraged to conduct research, join the psychology club, and participate in internships to further their career opportunities. Some of our students serve as learning assistants to help other students achieve academic success. A number of merit-based scholarships are available within the department to recognize the scholarly achievements of our students.