1. "Toothpick" hoppers. (Mermeria, Pseudopomala, Parpomala and Sybrula).
a. Body extremely slender and elongated, length > 3 cm.
b. Antennae usually strongly sword-shaped (ensiform).
c. Lateral carinae (if present) straight or weakly diverging posteriad.
A. Abdomen longer than hind femur, hind femur longer than tegmen.
a. Lateral carinae present, lower margins of pronotum and head not contrasting with over-all coloration. Widespread throughout the Great Plains.
a.’ Lateral carinae absent, sides of pronotum rounded, lower margin of pronotum and head with a pale stripe, southern South Dakota.
Parpomala wyomingensis
B. Wings, hind femur, and abdomen subequal in length, or wings extend beyond abdomen.
a. Lateral carinae absent, lateral margin of pronotum cut by three sulci, tegmina with a white streak near base, widespread in the Great Plains.
a.’ Lateral carinae present and cut by two sulci, tegmina without a white streak near base, South Dakota only.
a." Lateral carinae present and cut by one sulcus, tegmina with a crenulate green and gray pattern, SE South Dakota only.
Sybrula admirabilis
2. Ridge-headed hoppers (Eretettix, Amphitormus, Opeia).
1. Head with a median carina– at least on fastigum.
2. Lateral foveolae not visible from above.
3. Head triangular.
4. Head stripes diagonal, not following sulci or carinae.
5. Tegmina with a white basal stripe or black dashes, or both.
A. Antennae strongly ensiform, (sword-shaped), hind tibiae yellow to brown, adults in mid to late summer.
B. Antennae clavate (weakly clubbed), hind tibiae yellow to brown, adults in Spring and early summer.
C. Antennae simple, hind tibiae blue. Adults in mid to late summer.
3. ‘Window-winged’ and white streaked hoppers. (Aeropedellus,
Chorthippus, Chloealtis,
and Stenobothrus).
a. Tegmina of males oval, having a series of parallel veins along leading edge demarking enlarged clear areas (fenestrate).
b. Tegmina of females usually much shorter than abdomen.
c. Head stripes run parallel with carinae and sulci.
A. Lateral foveolae rectangular and visible from above.
a. Antennae capitate (males) or clavate (females). Spring and early summer species.
a.’ Antennae simple. Mid- summer and Autumn species.
b. Face without contrasting pattern, hind femur not banded, hind tibiae yellow, brown, or orange.
b." Face with ivory stripe and black line below each eye, hind femur banded, hind tibiae orange.
B. Lateral foveolae not visible from above or absent. Hind tibiae orange.
a. Male with sides of pronotum black, sides of abdomen black at base, face black at area of lateral foveolae.
a.’ Male with sides of pronotum black only near lateral carinae, sides of abdomen light brown, face not black at area of lateral foveolae.
4. ‘Black-knee’ hoppers (Ageneotettix, Aulocara, and Phlibostroma).
a. Apex of hind femur black.
b. Hind tibiae orange or blue.
c. Lateral carinae strongly constricted at mid-length.
d. Tegmina without a white basal streak.
e. Lateral foveolae visible from above.
A. Hind tibiae orange.
a. Tegmina with 3-5 large dark blotches, lateral foveolae triangular.
a.’ Tegmina not blotched, lateral foveolae rectanglar.
B. Hind tibiae blue.
a. Outer face of hind femur with black bands, wings 3/4 length of abdomen.
a.’ Outer face of hind femur with obscure brown bands or banding absent, wings nearly as long to slightly longer than abdomen.
5. Rare ‘Black-knee’ hoppers (Stethophyma).
a. Apex of hind femur black.
b. Hind tibiae yellow, brown, or orange.
c. Lateral carinae parallel or diverging posteriad.
d. Wings oval, extend well beyond abdomen in males, slightly longer in females.
e. Head with median carina on fastigum only.
f. Antennae simple.
A. Tegmina with a white basal stripe, lateral carinae cut by three sulci, spines of hind tibiae entirely black.
Stethophyma lineata
B. Tegmina without a white basal stripe, lateral carinae cut by one sulcus, spines of hind tibiae yellow, tipped with black.
Stethophyma celata
C. Tegmina without a white basal stripe, lateral carinae cut by one or two sulci, spines of hind tibiae entirely black.