Staff Senate Committees

Executive Committee

Executive - The steering committee of the Staff Senate.

Standing Committees

Campus Engagement - fosters collaboration between Staff Senate and campus organizations, including Faculty Senate and Student Government, through joint coordination of events that benefit the campus community.

Election - rules on questions relating to qualifications of electors and members, nominates and receives nominations, presents a slate of nominees, and conducts the elections.

Environmental Sustainability - raises awareness of environmental sustainability initiatives and concerns on campus and in our community along with educating the NDSU community on sustainability efforts.

Gunkelman Awards - meets to select through campus nomination those persons qualified to receive the award.

Information Technology (IT) - works with other committees to gather information to post on the Staff Senate Web site; reports, disseminates, and updates appropriate information technology to Staff Senate; and carries concerns from Staff Senate to the Division of IT.

Legislative/Bylaws - reviews, suggests, and proposes amendments to the Bylaws, as well as, suggests updates to committee descriptions on the Staff Senate Web site. Also monitors and reports legislative activity to the Staff Senate placing particular emphasis on initiatives affecting higher education and NDSU staff.  The committee depends on feedback from Staff Senate to propose and initiate a coordinated effort as a result of the given information; and monitors and reports on other federal, state and regional governing parties, such as North Dakota University System, the State Board of Higher Education, NDPERS, etc. for activity that may impact higher education, NDSU staff.

Scholarship - administers the Broadbanded Staff Scholarship on an annual basis as outlined by the Classified Staff Scholarship Endowment (revised 9/23/93), by determining number and amount of scholarships based on available funds; by designing, updating, and disseminating application forms; and by selecting recipients.  the committee also administers discretionary Staff Senate scholarships when additional funds are made available.

Staff Development & Programs - identifies programs and activities that will provide personal and professional growth opportunities for university staff. In identifying programs, the committee will assess the needs and wants of staff through questionnaires and surveys.

Staff Recognition - reviews the guidelines for and administers awards, including Campus Kudos. The committee also provides recognition to staff who are recipients of outside awards.

Senate Coordinating Council

Senate Coordinating Council Representatives - The Staff Senate shall be represented on Senate Coordinating Council by three (3) Staff Senate representatives: the president, past president and vice president to ensure the continuity of information and expertise. These Staff Senate representatives shall have the full rights of senators in Senate Coordinating Council matters. The Staff Senate will nominate and vote annually for these representatives.  See PDF download: NDSU Policy 714 for more details.

Other Committees/Advisory Boards/Councils/Ad Hoc Committees

Campus Space and Facilities - recommends policies for facilities.

Library - formulates policy recommendations for the NDSU Libraries relating to areas such as general operations, interlibrary loans, borrowing privileges, periodicals, acquisitions, media, data bases, electronic, and other services.

University Athletics - two (2) Staff Senators serve to promote compliance with principles of conduct as defined by the NCAA and formulates policy recommendations regarding athletic guidelines. Stimulates interest in athletic events for the entire university community.

North Dakota University System (NDUS) Staff Senate - 3 year term: (3 members of the NDSU Staff Senate at the time of election with one representative vote.  A member shall become an ex-officio senator of the NDSU Staff Senate with no voting privileges at the end of his/her third election term or if not re-elected to a new term):  serve the staff employees of the NDUS colleges and universities as a forum to consider matters, concepts and developing trends related to staff, promoting communication among the SBHE, the NDUS Chancellor and staff employees of the System's Institutions.

Learning Space Advisory Committee - staff senate will elect a senator to represent staff views on scheduling, use, renovation, and creations of learning spaces (laboratories, computer labs, classrooms, etc) on campus.

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