All content submitted to NDSU email lists must conform to PDF download: Policy 158, Acceptable Use of Electronic Communications Devices.

Message Criteria
An item submitted to the NDSU-STAFF@LISTSERV.NODAK.EDU e-mail list will be sent to all NDSU Staff if it meets these criteria:

  1. It is directly related to University concerns.
  2. It contains information that will be of general interest to NDSU staff.
  3. It originates from a sender who has an obvious affiliation with NDSU.
  4. The message may include political or religious content, but it should be of general interest (such as events) but not endorse a partisan viewpoint or individual.
  5. It may include solicitations or advertising if the products or activities are sponsored by NDSU or by officially-recognized NDSU organizations.
  6. It may include solicitations for participation in research projects, but must have prior IRB approval (see IRB Guidelines below for additional information).
  7. Messages with special interest announcements (such as benefit fundraisers) will be delivered at the discretion of the moderators.
  8. The message must have accessible images and content.
    Because some NDSU staff use screen readers or other technology to make email content more accessible. However, images in an email are not considered accessible and cannot be “read” by screen readers. If you include any images or graphics in your email, please make sure all the image content is described in the email or that the image has alternative text. For example, if you include an image of an advertisement, please make sure the important information is also in the body of the email (date, time, location, cost, etc).

    Reposted messages
    Messages should not be resent merely as reminders. The goal is to limit the number of emails sent to NDSU staff. However, if the information in the message changes, an updated version may be sent to the Listserv. If a repeat message is required, contacting the moderators first will ensure prompt delivery.

    IRB Guidelines
    Messages sent via the Staff Listserv recruiting for human studies should contain:

    • Subject line with brief description of the study
    • Concent in the body of the email should include
      • General description of research
      • Principal Investigator and department conducting the research
      • Description of inclusion/exclusion criteria (as applicable)
      • Total amount of time required
      • Compensation offered (if applicable)
      • Contact information or link to more information
      • IRB Approval #
    • Attachments and Survey questions cannot be distributed via the listserv.
    • For additional information, see Institutional Review Board (IRB)

    This information is automatically added to all Listserv messages:
    This message is posted as an informational service to the campus community. If you are not interested, please delete. You are asked to refrain from responding with your personal views to the individual who provided the information.

    You will receive an automatic response when your message is submitted. The message will be reviewed within 48 hours and the moderators will decide if it meets the guidelines listed above before approving.

    If you have any questions, please contact the Staff Listserv moderators:

    Kristi Steinmann (701) 231-8369

    Fred Hudson at (701) 231-5174

    Kay Hopkins (701) 231-8826

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