Novel Techniques in PFAS Monitoring
June 20, 2024 10:00am – 12:00pm NDSU Ladd Hall, Room 114

Comparing Non-Targeted Analysis Methods Utilizing Combustion Ion Chromatography
North Dakota Water Resources Research Institute will host a presentation from Adam Schanen, Metrohm U.S.
This presentation explores the emerging field of non-targeted PFAS analysis, with particular focus on combustion-ion chromatography (CIC). Several non-targeted techniques will be compared and evaluated on their impact to the study of PFAS compounds in the environment as they help uncover the broader picture of PFAS contamination by quantifying all fluorinated compounds across a wide variety of sample matrices. This holistic approach allows researchers to better understand the total impact of PFAS on our environment.
The presentation will cover
About Metrohm
Metrohm is one of the world’s most trusted manufacturers of high-precision instruments for chemical analysis.
Founded in 1943 by Bertold Suhner in Herisau, Switzerland, Metrohm has grown into an international company that supplies its products in more than 80 countries through more than 37 own subsidiaries and numerous exclusive distributors.
About Adam Schanen
Adam has been an instrumentation representative for Metrohm USA for over 5 years, specializing in ion chromatography. Prior to that, Adam spent 5 years in industry as an analytical chemist as a chromatographer with focus on method validation and research & development. Adam holds a Master’s degree in chemistry from the University of Southern California and a Bachelor’s degree in biochemistry from St. Cloud State University. Residing in Lakeville, MN, Adam is a frequent visitor to North Dakota supporting numerous laboratories in the area with their analytical needs.