Clothing Revue
Clothing Revue includes entries for Buy & Show, Sew & Show, and Decorate Your Duds categories. Buy & Show participants purchase or recycle a major item of clothing which relates to a wardrobe plan. Sew & Show participants construct half or more of clothing that is modeled. Decorate Your Duds participants create embellishments for a garment or accessory.
The purpose of the State 4-H Clothing Revue is to help youth:
- build self-confidence and poise;
- make and model a garment that is needed in the wardrobe; and
- share knowledge and skill learned through 4-H Constructed Clothing Revue participation with others.
Who May Enter
Any youth enrolled in a 4-H project related to clothing and textiles.
Age Divisions
- Junior ages 8 to 12 on September 1
- Senior ages 13 to 18 on September 1
Levels of Involvement
County: Each county may conduct a Clothing Revue and may select members to participate in the North Dakota State Fair in Minot. County awards are determined locally. Contact your county Extension office for local dates.
State: The event will be held on the Monday of the State Fair in the State Fair Center. Participants may unload and enter at the northwest gate (Gate F) of the fairgrounds. Parking is not available at this gate. State Fair security will require proper credentials. Vehicles will be towed if left for more than the designated unloading time. Participants will need to allow at least 30 minutes of walking time from parking to the State Fair Center. If members would like to enter both events, they will be judged at 9:30 a.m. for Project Expo and then participate in Clothing Revue.
Bring your garment(s) and accessories with you to the event on a hanger or in a garment bag; come dressed in street wear. You will put on your garment(s) at an assigned time for judging.
4-H’ers may use their static exhibit in Clothing Revue. Please attach a special Clothing Revue tag.
All entries at the State Fair will be awarded a ribbon. Outstanding overall presentations in each division will be recognized with Awards of Excellence
National: One youth (senior division) will be eligible to attend FCS National Championship & Conference located in San Antonio Texas in January of the following year.