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Communication Arts

girl with mask and science lab coat on standing behind table with experiment ingredients
Photo Credit:
NDSU Photo

4-H Communication Arts provides youth with opportunities to build skills and confidence in making public presentations. 4-H members are encouraged to give at least one public presentation each year. County 4-H programs (or group of cooperating counties) are encouraged to conduct a Communication Arts event in which all 4-H members can participate.

The 4-H Communication Arts program: 

  • Help participants develop communication skills used throughout a lifetime.
  • Provide participants with practice gathering and organizing information, equipment and props for public presentation.
  • Provide participants an opportunity to practice their skills before a group.
  • Help participants develop confidence in making public presentations.

Age Divisions
The Communication Arts program is open to any youth involved in Extension youth programs.

A 4-H member’s age on Aug. 31 is considered the 4-H age for the 4-H year beginning on Sept. 1 in North Dakota. Youth age 8 or in third grade to age 18 are eligible for 4-H membership. Youth in kindergarten through second grade (age 5 to 7) are eligible for a noncompetitive membership called 4-H Cloverbud.

  • Cloverbud: noncompetitive event for youth ages 5 to 7
  • Junior Division: youth 4-H age 8 to 12
  • Senior Division: youth 4-H age 13 to 18

Levels of Involvement
Club: All 4-H members are encouraged to give a public presentation at the club level.

County: Enrolled youth may participate in the county or multicounty 4-H Communication Arts event.

District: Ten districts, each consisting of a group of counties, will organize and conduct an event in late spring or early summer. (See map on last page.) If county events are held, counties may send participants to the district event at the county’s discretion, based on the quality of the presentation.

State: First-place participants in each category from the junior and senior divisions at each district event are invited to participate in the state Communication Arts event held at the North Dakota State Fair in July.

National: One youth (senior division) will be eligible to attend Western National Round-Up located in Denver in January of the following year in: Prepared Speech.

Additional information on the 4-H Communication Arts program is available through your local extension office.

Remote video URL
Rules and Guidelines
District and State Competition Categories
General Tips for Presentations