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NDSU Agriculture Extension - Happy Kids
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mother and father kissing son on each cheek
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Parent Education

Providing research-based parent education to North Dakotans.
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African American woman with African American baby

Basic Beginnings

Basic Beginnings is a research-based parent education program focused on raising young children from the prenatal period through 3 years of age.
Gearing Up for Kindergarten

Gearing Up for Kindergarten

The Gearing Up for Kindergarten program was developed by NDSU Extension specialists and Parent Resource Center coordinators to assist parents and their children in preparing for the transition to kindergarten.


Parenting Posts - a monthly newsletter for families of Kindergarten, 2nd grade, 4th grade and 6th grade students during the school year. Go to Parenting Posts newsletter

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Parenting Publications
Family engagement focuses on building positive relationships and supporting children and families. This document provides a menu of resources and organizations for understanding and promoting family engagement in early childhood settings.
It is important to create a healthy environment for an unborn child during the time of pregnancy. Key topics in creating a healthy pregnancy for you and your baby include managing personal health concerns, practicing healthy behaviors,…
Teens can struggle as they face illness or have concerns about the illness of others. This resource shares practical insights and tips on how teens ages 14-18 react to illness, helpful ways to support them and strategies for coping.
For children ages birth to 5, the best development occurs as families and early childhood professionals share understanding about best practices in nurturing young children. Family engagement matters! Shared activities improve mutual…
Early childhood education programs and resources can provide important benefits to young children and their families between birth and five years of age. This report reviews findings from research in North Dakota on family engagement…
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