~ Kaye's Closet is named in honor of Kaye S. Olson ~ |
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Upcoming Events

Pop-up Pantry Events
January 24
March 20
April 11
9 am to 3 pm | Barry Hall 18
Student ID required
Students are encouraged to swing by the BH 18 between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. during our "Pop-up Pantry" events to "shop" our carefully curated racks of professional clothes. Students may select (and keep) professional business wear items that have been donated to Kaye's Closet. There's something for everyone!
Donating to Kaye's Closet
Who Can Donate to Kaye's Closet?
Anyone is welcome to donate items to Kaye's Closet! This includes students, staff, faculty, and members of the community.
What Items May Be Donated?
Examples of appropriate donation items include:
- full suits
- suit coats, blazers, or sport coats
- dress slacks / khakis
- buttoned shirts
- blouses or light sweaters
- polo shirts (no company logos)
- sheath dresses / skirts
- dress shoes / closed-toe heels
- belts
- ties
- costume jewelry
What Condition Should Items Be In?
Donated Items:
- Must be clean
- Are to have no blemishes (stains, rips, etc.)
- Do not need to be on hangers
- Do not need to be wrinkle-free

How Are Donations Collected?
Bring your gently used, professional clothes and accessories to:
Richard H. Barry Hall, Suite 102
Email kay.hopkins@ndsu.edu to schedule a pickup
(Monday–Friday, between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.)