Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)
FREE Tax Preparation!
Tuesdays | 6:00 - 9:15pm | January 28 - April 8, 2025
NDSU Library Lower Level
Required Items

- Social Security Cards for you, your spouse, and dependents on the tax return (MUST absolutely have)
- Photo ID for you and your spouse, if Married Filing Joint (MUST absolutely have)
- Birth dates for you, your spouse and dependents on the tax return
- Wage and earning statement(s) Form W-2, W-2G, 1099-R, from all employers
- Interest and dividend statements from banks (Forms 1099), if any
- Tuition statement (Form 1098-T), if any
- A copy of last year’s Federal and State returns, if available
- Bank Routing Numbers and Account Numbers for Direct Deposit
- Total paid for day care provider and the day care provider's tax identifying number (the provider's Social Security Number or the provider's business Employer Identification Number)
- To file taxes electronically on a married filing joint tax return, both spousesmust bepresent to sign the required forms.
- We only provide tax services for U.S. Citizens and resident aliens for tax purposes. International students may use the following link to determine their status: https://www.irs.gov/individuals/international-taxpayers/determining-alien-tax-status
Tax returns requiring schedules C or F will not be prepared, however returns requiring schedule C-EZ will be prepared.
All services subject to approval.
Site Coordinator: James Clifton