The College of Business is committed to providing students with a quality education in the functional areas of business, a systematic exposure to the global business issues they will face in their careers, and an introduction to applying the technologies that will be a part of their work life. In addition, students may choose elective courses that will help prepare them for careers in specific areas in which they have an interest.

Undergraduate Minors + Certificates

Accounting (m)Hospitality and Tourism Management (m)
Banking (m)Management Information Systems (m)
Business Administration (m)         Organizational Leadership (c)
Business Analytics (c)Professional Selling* (m, c)
Entrepreneurship (m, c)Real Estate Valuation (m)
Event Managment (c)Supply Chain Management (m)
Finance (c)
Fraud Investigation (m)

(m) = minor, (c) = certificate

To add, delete, or change a College of Business minor or undergraduate certificate, complete the Minor/Advisor Change Form located on the Office of Registration and Records website under "Student Forms."

If you have questions or need assistance with College of Business minors, please email or call (701) 231-9407.

Students majoring in the College of Business cannot minor in business administration.


Undergraduate Programs Overview

The College of Business offers four-year undergraduate majors leading to a Bachelor of Science degree.

  • Students follow the published curricula for the major program of study from the semester/year of entrance in the College of Business to graduation, provided enrollment at NDSU has not been discontinued for more than one year. Students who change their major program of study are subject to meeting the curricular requirements in effect at the time the new major is declared.

  • Students enter the College of Business as a pre-major student. Admission into the major program requires the completion of the following pre-College requirements with a grade of ā€˜Cā€™ or higher: ENGL 120, MATH 144, ECON 201 or 202, SOC 110 or PSYC 111 and COMM 110 and a 2.50 institutional cumulative grade point average.

  • All courses taken for majors in the College of Business require a grade of C or better. A minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA is required for admission to the major program, to enroll in 300-400 level College of Business courses and to graduate.

  • College of Business Warning: Students in the College of Business major program must maintain at least a 2.5 cumulative grade point average. If a student has been admitted into the major program and then falls below the 2.5 cumulative grade point average requirement, they are placed on Warning for the College of Business. They are allowed to remain in the major program for the following semester in which they take courses. If their cumulative grade point average remains below 2.50 at the end of the next semester in which they take courses (this includes summer), they are placed on Probation for the College of Business.
  • College of Business Probation: College of Business Probation is issued when a student remains below the 2.5 cumulative grade point average after their College of Business Warning semester. While under College of Business Probation, students may only repeat 300-400 level College of Business courses or enroll in courses outside the college. The Probation status and course restrictions will remain in place until they return to a 2.5 or higher cumulative grade point average.
  • Students in the College of Business are responsible for reviewing the requirements of their chosen major, and for monitoring their individual progress toward degree completion.

  • College of Business courses completed in previous semester are considered valid for degree requirements if taken within the previous ten years.  College of Business coursework taken before the ten-year limit may be reviewed by the College of Business Student Progress Committee to determine its appropriateness to the major requirements.

  • The CoB accepts a maximum of up to (but not including) 50% of business courses1 required for degree completion, with a minimum grade of C2. All transfer courses are subject to approval by the course discipline chair or designated representative.
    1 Defined as courses with the following prefixes: ACCT, BUSN, ENTR, FIN, MGMT, MIS, MRKT, SCM
    2 Credits that do not qualify for degree completion will still be accepted as general credits towards graduation, within the restrictions defined by university policy.

  • For multiple majors within the CoB, at least 15 unique credits of 300-400 level CoB courses must exist between the majors.

All other degree requirements can be found in the University Catalog.

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