Dr. Justin Walden

Associate Professor
Email Dr. Walden
Office: Minard 338-B12
PDF download: Justin Walden's CV

Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, 2013
M.A., Syracuse University, 2006
B.A., State University of New York at Albany, 2001

Research Overview: I am an interdisciplinary scholar with interest in employee communication and work-related technology use. My organizational communication research explores the ways in which individuals communicatively manage the boundaries between work and non-work domains such as home. Often, this research includes looking at the relationship between an individual's interactions with their colleagues on social networking sites and their commitment to the organization and perceptions of work-life balance. Research from the public relations realm considers the role that employees have advocating for their organization to outsiders such as their friends and family.

Teaching Overview: My approach to teaching is simple: Students learn best by doing. Here at NDSU I have had the pleasure of teaching courses in research methods (graduate), public relations theory (graduate), and strategic communication campaigns/principles (undergraduate). No matter the subject, my courses feature a variety of in-class and outside exercises to help students gain firsthand knowledge and experience in their respective area. A classroom should be a place where students are allowed to and encouraged to figure out the answers to complex problems with support from their peers and professor.

2023 Teaching

  • COMM 220: Persuasion
  • COMM 320: Communication Research Methods
  • COMM 472: Public Relations Campaign
  • COMM 704: Qualitative Research Methods in Communication
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