
Search Opportunities

Scholarship applications for current and incoming students are accepted beginning November 1st through March 1st for the Department of Communication.

To apply for general NDSU scholarships and scholarships selected by NDSU academic colleges and departments, complete the application using NDSU's Scholarship Portal. You will then be asked to log in using the same credentials that you use for Blackboard.  

All external scholarships will also be listed on the same site so log in often to see if new opportunities have been added for you.

REMEMBER: Be sure to observe the criteria and deadline for each scholarship. It is the student's responsibility to submit the scholarship application and respond to all additional questions posed.

Available Department Scholarships:

  • Anne and Abner Selvig Scholarship
  • Arthur and Vera Johnson Scholarship for Speech and Theatre
  • Betty Critchfield-Herm Journalism Scholarship
  • Brian Hansen Memorial Scholarship
  • Communication Department Scholarship
  • Donald F. Schwartz Leadership Award for Communication Students
  • Dorothy Collins Memorial Scholarship
  • E. James Ubbelohde Scholarship
  • Forensic Service Award
  • Forum Communications Company Scholarship
  • Frederick G. Walsh Endowment Fund
  • Harry and LeVoyne Littlefield Scholarship for Speech
  • Howard Binford Mass Communication Scholarship
  • John and Shirley Tilton Memorial Scholarship
  • Margaret Richardson Liddon Scholarship
  • Michael and Susan Krueger Scholarship
  • Paul E. Nelson and Judy C. Pearson Scholarship
  • Steve Berrell Memorial Scholarship
  • Tim and Karen Etherington Scholarship
  • Tony Hanson Memorial Scholarship

If you have questions, please contact Kelly Paynter at or (701) 231-7705.


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