Relaxation and Reflection Room
The Counseling Center, through a generous grant from the NDSU Student Government, is pleased to announce the opening of our Relaxation/Reflection Room. The Relaxation/Reflection Room is free to use and open to all registered NDSU students (you do not need to be a client of the Center to use the Room).
The room is designed to allow students to decompress in a massage chair or oversized bean bag, while listening to relaxing music and watching relaxing videos in a softly lit room. Sensory items like kinetic sand, a Zen Garden, fidget toys, and a water feature are on hand to enrich the experience of the room. Students can stretch out on a yoga mat, experience a weighted blanket, turn on the happy light, or listen to a meditation. A variety of self-care games, journals, brain teasers, and mindfulness/relaxation related color books are also available.
The Relaxation Room is open Monday – Friday from 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM at the Counseling Center, 212 Ceres Hall. Students can reserve the room for 45-minute sessions by calling the Center at 701-231-7671. Students may use the room individually or with others (a maximum of three students will be allowed in the room at a time, and one reservation per student will be allowed per week).