Cameron Kolthoff (he/him)

I am originally from Chillicothe, Iowa. I attended Coe College for my undergrad and earned a B.A. in Biology with an emphasis in Molecular Biology. My previous research experience includes studying the behaviors of Ornate Box turtles (Terrapene ornata), Blue Spotted Salamanders (Ambystoma laterale), and Central Newts (Notophthalmus viridescens) as well as developing RNA interference in the Alfalfa Leafcutting Bee (Megachile rotundata). My current hobbies consist of bicycling, hiking, bread making, and coffee drinking.
My current research goal is to use environmental DNA (eDNA) sampling to measure the changes in pollinator insect diversity across different pollinator plant mixes. Another research goal is to sample the various pollinator reclamation sites in Fargo to investigate the effects of the surrounding urban environment on the diversity of pollinator species. Finally, I have an interest in developing a collaborative project to survey the diets of reptile and/or avian species using eDNA.