Contact Us

Pre-Licensure Track

NDSU Campus Fargo
Kelly Monroe
Phone: (701) 231-6115
Office: Sudro 131H

NDSU Nursing at Sanford Health, Bismarck
Tammy Heupel 
Phone: (701) 224-3804
Office: Rm 131 Bismarck Site

LPN to BSN Track

Karla Haug
 (701) 231-5128
540S Aldevron Tower, Fargo

RN to BSN Track

Holly Sandhurst
 (701) 231-7886
540O Aldevron Tower, Fargo

BSN to DNP Track

Dean Gross
 (701) 231-8355
148K Aldevron Tower, Fargo

Website Issues

Melissa Eslinger
 (701) 231-9489
131C Sudro Hall

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