Pre-Pharmacy Curriculum

General Education Requirements

First year experience (F)

  • PHRM 190, Critical Thinking and Academic Success, 3 credits

Communication (C)

  • ENGL 110, College Composition I, 3 credits
  • ENGL 120, College Composition II * 1, 3 credits
  • ENGL 324, Writing in the Sciences or ENGL 325 Writing in the Health Professions, 3 credits 
  • COMM 110, Fundamentals of Public Speaking *, 3 credits

Quantitative Reasoning (R)

  • MATH 146, Applied Calculus I *, 4 credits

Science & Technology (S)

  • CHEM 121, General Chemistry I *, 3 credits
  • CHEM 121L, General Chemistry I Laboratory, 1 credits
  • CHEM 122, General Chemistry II *, 3 credits
  • PHYS 211, College Physics I, 3 credits
Total General Education credits: 42 credits

Humanities & Fine Arts (A): Select from current general education list 6 credits

Social & Behavioral Sciences (B)

  • ECON 201, Principles of Microeconomics *, 3 credits

Wellness (W): Select from current general education list, 2 credits

Global Perspectives (G)

  • ECON 201, Principles of Microeconomics, 3 credits

Pre-Pharmacy Requirements

  • BIOC 460, Foundations of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I, 3 credits
  • BIOC 461, Foundations of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology II, 3 credits
  • BIOL 150, General Biology I*, 3 credits
  • BIOL 150L, General Biology I Laboratory*, 1 credit
  • BIOL 151, General Biology II*, 3 credits
  • BIOL 151L, General Biology II Laboratory*, 1 credit 
  • BIOL 220, Human Anatomy and Physiology I*, 3 credits 
  • BIOL 220L, Human Anatomy and Physiology I Laboratory *, 1 credit
  • BIOL 221, Human Anatomy and Physiology II, 3 credits 
  • BIOL 221L, Human Anatomy and Physiology II Laboratory, 1 credit
  • CHEM 122L, General Chemistry II Laboratory, 1 credit
  • CHEM 341, Organic Chemistry I*, 3 credits
  • CHEM 341L, Organic Chemistry I Laboratory, 1 credit
  • CHEM 342, Organic Chemistry II,  3 credits
  • MICR 350, & 350L, General Microbiology and General Microbiology Lab *, 3-5 credits
  • STAT 330, Introductory Statistics *, 3 credits
  • Professional years 1 & 2, 72-76 credits

* Selected core courses used for selection criteria to determine GPA used in calculation for admission to the professional program. These courses must show evidence of letter grade, or other means of demonstrating acceptable competency (i.e. AP – CEEB) and must be completed before the applying to the pharmacy program. Remaining courses, which are required and listed in the pre-pharmacy curriculum, must be completed by the end of spring term. The only exception to this is that up to six credits of electives may be completed during the summer term.

Students with composite ACT scores of 20 or lower must register for English 100 and 110 Fall Semester and take Engl 120 Spring Semester. Students who complete English 120 with a “C” or higher will receive credit for English 110 with a passing grade (P).

Pre-professional requirements and notes
  • All courses listed for pre-pharmacy must be completed in order to apply for the professional program in the last spring semester in which pre-requisite courses are taken.
Degree requirements and notes
  • All required courses must be completed with a grade of ‘C’ or above.
  • All students must maintain a semester GPA of 2.0 or above for each semester in the College.  A student who fails to meet this standard for two successive or three non-successive semesters may be terminated from enrollment in the College of Health Professions.    
  • English 324 and English 325 require the completion of 60 credit hours to enroll in the course. Students are encouraged to consult with their advisor to ensure that they meet this requirement.

NOTE: Student admitted to the Pharm.D. program will earn a Bachelor of Science Degree with a major in Pharmaceutical Science with successful completion of all courses through the second year of the professional Pharm.D. program.

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