Scholarship Opportunities

The Department of Physics presents the following awards and scholarships to outstanding undergraduates. Apply through NDSU’s scholarship portal and search for specific scholarship opportunities.
Click to view past award recipients
Darrell and Carol Strobel Graduate Student Awards
The "Darrell and Carol Strobel Graduate Excellence Award" and the "Darrell and Carol Strobel Graduate Research Award" were established by the generosity of Darrell and Carol Strobel and family in order to recognize and encourage excellence in NDSU graduate Physics research. The Excellence Award focuses on a student who excels in all areas of graduate work (teaching, outreach and service, research), whereas the Research award focuses on Research Excellence.
Darrell and Carol Strobel Undergraduate Excellence Award
This award, funded by Darrell and Carol Strobel and family, goes to a student who excels in their undergraduate work.
Darrell and Carol Strobel Undergraduate Student Travel Award
Provides support for undergraduate physics students to travel to nationally and internationally recognized professional meetings. Funds provided by Darrell and Carol Strobel and family.
Eivind Horvik Memorial Award
A cash award plus a recognition certificate for the best overall performance in the calculus-based physics sequence. The recipients' names are recorded on the Physics Department website. Funds are provided by friends and associates of Eivind Horvik.
Sinha Family Scholarship
Initial funds to support this endowment in the amount of $5,000 were provided by Dr. and Mrs. Mahendra K. Sinha in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Pratap Narain, the parents of Dr. Mahendra K. Sinha, Emeritus Professor of Physics.
It is understood that the recipient of this award will meet the following preferred criteria:
- Be properly enrolled at North Dakota State University at the time of application and disbursement,
- Be a physics major with Junior or Senior standing,
- Special consideration should be given by the selection committee to the applicant's academic merit and financial need.
Each recipient will receive a cash award plus a recognition certificate, and the recipients' names will be recorded on the Physics Department website.
Physics Achievement Award
Up to four awards may be given annually to Physics majors based upon their academic performance and the availability of funds. A minimum GPA of at least 3.3 is expected, but more emphasis will be given to excellence in Physics and Mathematics and distinction in undergraduate research. Awards may be extended for one additional year, subject to excellent performance.
Each recipient will receive a cash award plus a recognition certificate, and the recipients' names will be recorded on the Physics Department website.