Undergraduate Course Offerings

PHYS 355     PDF download: Classical Mechanics
PHYS 360     PDF download: Modern Physics II
PHYS 361     PDF download: Electromagnetic Theory
PHYS 370     PDF download: Introduction to Computational Physics
PHYS 411     PDF download: Optics for Scientists and Engineers
PHYS 411L   Optics for Scientists and Engineers Laboratory
PHYS 413     PDF download: Lasers for Scientists and Engineers
PHYS 415     PDF download: Elements of Photonics
PHYS 462     PDF download: Thermal and Statistical Physics
PHYS 481     PDF download: Condensed Matter Physics
PHYS 485     PDF download: Quantum Mechanics I
PHYS 486     PDF download: Quantum Mechanics II
PHYS 488     Physics Projects I
PHYS 489     Physics Projects II
PHYS 491     Seminar
PHYS 494     Individual Study

PHYS 110: Introductory Astronomy

3 credits, offered every fall

Qualitative survey of the current understanding of the universe including planetary explorations, solar phenomena, stars, black holes, nebulas, galaxies.

PHYS 110L: Introductory Astronomy Laboratory

1 credit, offered every fall

Laboratory course to accompany PHYS 110.

PHYS 120: Fundamentals of Physics

3 credits, offered every semester

Application of physics concepts and principles to the real world. Topics selected from mechanics, heat, optics, electricity, and magnetism.

PHYS 120L: Fundamentals of Physics Laboratory

1 credit, offered every semester

Laboratory course to accompany PHYS 120.

Coreq: PHYS 120.

PHYS 171: Introductory Projects in Physics

1 credit, offered every fall

Basic computer controlled instrumentation for automation and data acquisition.  Design of simple measurement and control projects covering waveforms, temperature measurement and robotics.  Elementary data analysis: curve fitting, Fourier theory and statistics.

PHYS 211: College Physics I

3 credits, offered every semester (including summer)

Beginning course for students without a calculus background. Includes basic principles of bodies at rest and in motion, fluids, vibrations, waves, sound and thermodynamics.

Prereq: MATH 105 or higher.

Topic List

PHYS 211L: College Physics I Laboratory

1 credit, offered every semester (including summer)

Laboratory course to accompany PHYS 211.

Coreq: PHYS 211.

PHYS 212: College Physics II

3 credits, offered every semester (tentatively)

Second course for students without a calculus background. Includes electricity, magnetism, optics and modern physics.

Prereq: PHYS 211.

Topic List

PHYS 212L: College Physics II Laboratory

1 credit, offered every semester (tentatively)

Laboratory course to accompany PHYS 212.

Coreq: PHYS 212.

PHYS 215: Research for Undergraduates

1-3 credits, offered every semester

Special research studies in physics under the supervision of an instructor.

PHYS 251: University Physics I

4 credits, offered every semester

Newtonian mechanics of translational and rotational motion, work, energy, power, momentum, conservation of energy and momentum, periodic motion, waves, sound, heat, and thermodynamics.

Prereq: MATH 165.

Topic List

PHYS 251L: University Physics I Laboratory

1 credit, offered every semester

Laboratory course to accompany PHYS 251.

Coreq: PHYS 251.

Physics 251R: University Physics I Recitation

1 credit, offered every spring

A recitation that complements PHYS 251 with theory and applications.

Coreq: PHYS 251.

PHYS 252: University Physics II

4 credits, offered every semester

Electric charge, field, potential, and current; magnetic field; capacitance; resistance; inductance; RC, RL, LC and RLC circuits; waves; optics.

Prereq: PHYS 251 or ME 222. Coreq: MATH 166.

Topic List

PHYS 252L: University Physics II Laboratory

1 credit, offered every semester

Laboratory course to accompany PHYS 252.

Coreq: PHYS 252.

PHYS 252R: University Physics II Recitation

1 credit, offered every fall

A recitation that complements PHYS 252 with emphasis on theory and applications.

Coreq: PHYS 252.

PHYS 411L: Optics for Scientists & Engineers Laboratory

1 credit, offered every fall

Required laboratory for PHYS/ECE 411. Ten optics experiments plus a major related optics project.

Prereq: PHYS 252. Coreq: PHYS 411. Cross-listed with ECE.

PHYS 489: Physics Projects I

1 credits, offered every fall (and spring on demand)

Capstone experience in physics, part I.

PHYS 489: Physics Projects II

2 credits, offered every spring (and fall on demand)

Capstone experience in physics, part II.

PHYS 491: Seminar

1 credit, offered on demand

Capstone seminar for Physics Education majors.

PHYS 494: Individual Study

1-5 credits, offered on demand

Individual study on a selected topic, supervised by a faculty member.



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