Undergraduate Course Offerings

PHYS 110 Introductory Astronomy
PHYS 110L Introductory Astronomy Laboratory
PHYS 120 Fundamentals of Physics
PHYS 120L Fundamentals of Physics Laboratory
PHYS 171 Introductory Projects in Physics
PHYS 211 College Physics I
PHYS 211L College Physics I Laboratory
PHYS 212 College Physics II
PHYS 212L College Physics II Laboratory
PHYS 215 Research for Undergraduates
PHYS 251 University Physics I
PHYS 251L University Physics I Laboratory
PHYS 251R University Physics I Recitation
PHYS 252 University Physics II
PHYS 252L University Physics II Laboratory
PHYS 252R University Physics II Recitation
PHYS 350 Modern Physics
PHYS 355 Classical Mechanics
PHYS 360 Modern Physics II
PHYS 361 Electromagnetic Theory
PHYS 370 Introduction to Computational Physics
PHYS 411 Optics for Scientists and Engineers
PHYS 411L Optics for Scientists and Engineers Laboratory
PHYS 413 Lasers for Scientists and Engineers
PHYS 415 Elements of Photonics
PHYS 462 Thermal and Statistical Physics
PHYS 481 Condensed Matter Physics
PHYS 485 Quantum Mechanics I
PHYS 486 Quantum Mechanics II
PHYS 488 Physics Projects I
PHYS 489 Physics Projects II
PHYS 491 Seminar
PHYS 494 Individual Study
PHYS 110: Introductory Astronomy
3 credits, offered every fall
Qualitative survey of the current understanding of the universe including planetary explorations, solar phenomena, stars, black holes, nebulas, galaxies.
PHYS 110L: Introductory Astronomy Laboratory
1 credit, offered every fall
Laboratory course to accompany PHYS 110.
PHYS 120: Fundamentals of Physics
3 credits, offered every semester
Application of physics concepts and principles to the real world. Topics selected from mechanics, heat, optics, electricity, and magnetism.
PHYS 120L: Fundamentals of Physics Laboratory
1 credit, offered every semester
Laboratory course to accompany PHYS 120.
Coreq: PHYS 120.
PHYS 171: Introductory Projects in Physics
1 credit, offered every fall
Basic computer controlled instrumentation for automation and data acquisition. Design of simple measurement and control projects covering waveforms, temperature measurement and robotics. Elementary data analysis: curve fitting, Fourier theory and statistics.
PHYS 211: College Physics I
3 credits, offered every semester (including summer)
Beginning course for students without a calculus background. Includes basic principles of bodies at rest and in motion, fluids, vibrations, waves, sound and thermodynamics.
Prereq: MATH 105 or higher.
PHYS 211L: College Physics I Laboratory
1 credit, offered every semester (including summer)
Laboratory course to accompany PHYS 211.
Coreq: PHYS 211.
PHYS 212: College Physics II
3 credits, offered every semester (tentatively)
Second course for students without a calculus background. Includes electricity, magnetism, optics and modern physics.
Prereq: PHYS 211.
PHYS 212L: College Physics II Laboratory
1 credit, offered every semester (tentatively)
Laboratory course to accompany PHYS 212.
Coreq: PHYS 212.
PHYS 215: Research for Undergraduates
1-3 credits, offered every semester
Special research studies in physics under the supervision of an instructor.
PHYS 251: University Physics I
4 credits, offered every semester
Newtonian mechanics of translational and rotational motion, work, energy, power, momentum, conservation of energy and momentum, periodic motion, waves, sound, heat, and thermodynamics.
Prereq: MATH 165.
PHYS 251L: University Physics I Laboratory
1 credit, offered every semester
Laboratory course to accompany PHYS 251.
Coreq: PHYS 251.
Physics 251R: University Physics I Recitation
1 credit, offered every spring
A recitation that complements PHYS 251 with theory and applications.
Coreq: PHYS 251.
PHYS 252: University Physics II
4 credits, offered every semester
Electric charge, field, potential, and current; magnetic field; capacitance; resistance; inductance; RC, RL, LC and RLC circuits; waves; optics.
Prereq: PHYS 251 or ME 222. Coreq: MATH 166.
PHYS 252L: University Physics II Laboratory
1 credit, offered every semester
Laboratory course to accompany PHYS 252.
Coreq: PHYS 252.
PHYS 252R: University Physics II Recitation
1 credit, offered every fall
A recitation that complements PHYS 252 with emphasis on theory and applications.
Coreq: PHYS 252.
PHYS 411L: Optics for Scientists & Engineers Laboratory
1 credit, offered every fall
Required laboratory for PHYS/ECE 411. Ten optics experiments plus a major related optics project.
Prereq: PHYS 252. Coreq: PHYS 411. Cross-listed with ECE.
PHYS 489: Physics Projects I
1 credits, offered every fall (and spring on demand)
Capstone experience in physics, part I.
PHYS 489: Physics Projects II
2 credits, offered every spring (and fall on demand)
Capstone experience in physics, part II.
PHYS 491: Seminar
1 credit, offered on demand
Capstone seminar for Physics Education majors.
PHYS 494: Individual Study
1-5 credits, offered on demand
Individual study on a selected topic, supervised by a faculty member.