Bonsai This!
Sarah Burke
Plant Sciences 211, Fall 2010
NDSU Fargo, ND
Home | Basics | Why Bonsai? | Growth and Devolpment | Citations | Contact
Contact Info
Sarah Burke
Made with dream weaver and to purpouse to infom on the art and science of bonsia.
Horticulture Science Lab Section 2
Works Cited
Bonsai Care Basics. Bonsai Care Basics. Internet. 2010. 24 oct 10.
Noden, Alxe. "Small Wonders." American Nurseryman 188.5 (1998): 54. EBSCO MegaFILE. EBSCO. Web. 25 Oct. 2010.
Olsen, Erik A. “Bonsai Starter Tree” Bonsai Gardener. The Fusion Netwrok, LLC. 2008. Internet Article. 24 Oct. 10