Common name: Maple prominent/ Saddle
caterpillar Hodges #:
Identification: Rfw 19.1 mm, gray, irrorate with green scales which
fade in preserved material; sub terminal line nearly straight; ordinary spots not conspicuous. Male antennae bipectinate, distal
third simple; eighth sternite of male with a pair of large pits. Members of the genus Heterocampa
can be separated from Lochmaeus by having the terminal line being
either continuous or accented by spots at the wing veins. Members
of the genera Heterocampa and Lochmaeus can be separated
from Schizure by the constricted Rs cell on the hw.
Similar species: 7920,
7995, 7998,
8005, 9382.
Distribution: southern Canada and United
States east of the Rockies, more common northward.
Hosts: Larval feed on the foliage of a variety of deciduous trees:
Maples-Acer, Birch- Betula, Dogwood- Cornus,
Ironwood- Ostyra, Apple- Malus, Oaks- Quercus, and
Walnut- Juglans.
NY. Ithaca. 8- VI- 1958.

Forewing of H. guttivitta showing nearly
straight subterminal line.

Larva, pic courtesy of Lacy Hyche, Auburn University,
Forestry Images,