Common name: Acrea moth/ saltmarsh
Hodges #: 8131.
Identification: Rfw 22 mm, dhw of male yellow-orange.
Pro-tibiae with short stout apical claw, dorsal
surface of pro-femora, tibiae and tarsi black, each segment with white
distal annulations. Antennae black or annulate with white at base.
Similar species: 8132, 8133, 8134,
8136, 8137,
Distribution: southern Canada and U.S., south to central Mexico.
Hosts: general feeder on herbaceous plants including corn, clover,
dandelion, sunflower, and potato.


ND, Richland Co., West I allotment, Sheyenne Natl.
grasslands T135N R52W, Sec. 10. 13- VI- 1996 Hg/ UV light, male,
coll. G. Fauske.

ND, Richland Co., West I allotment,
Sheyenne Natl. grasslands T135N R52W, Sec. 10. 13- VI- 1996 Hg/ UV
light, female, coll. G. Fauske.

ND, Richland Co., Sheyenne Natl.
grasslands. pic. Loren Oslie.
Hindleg showing two pairs of short spurs.