Common name: Virginian tiger moth/
Yellow woolly bear.
Hodges #: 8137.
Identification: Rfw 18.4 mm, fw white usually marked with dark
discal spot, hw usually with spots near anal angle; antennal shaft white,
pro-femora yellow-orange and black, meta-tibiae with both pre-apical and
apical pair of spurs, abdomen marked with orange laterally and black dots
Similar species: 8230, 8144,
8140, 8136,
8134, 8133, 8132,
Distribution: southern Canada and U.S. southward to central Mexico.
Hosts: larvae are general feeders on a wide variety of herbaceous
plants including Taraxicum-- dandelion, Helianthus--
sunflower, Plantago-- plantain, Brassica-- mustards, Zea
mays-- corn, also woody plants including Acer-- maple,
Prunus-- plum, cherry, Salix-- willows.

ND, Cass Co., Fargo, fluorescent light, 20- VI-
2002, coll. G. Fauske.

ND, Richland Co., Sheyenne Natl. grasslands. pic. Loren

MN, Hubbard Co., pic. John Weber.