Common name: Fall webworm.
Hodges #: 8140.
Identification: Rfw 15.4 mm, fw varies from unmarked white to
heavily spotted with black; antennal shaft white, pro-femora yellow-orange
and black, hind tibiae with apical pair of spurs only, abdomen unmarked
Similar species: 8230, 8144,
8137, 8136,
8134, 8133, 8132,
8111, 6798.
Distribution: southern Canada and U.S. southward to central Mexico.
Hosts: larvae have been reported from more than 100 species of
deciduous trees including: Acer-- maples, Fraxinus-- ash,
and Quercus-- oaks.

ND, Cass Co., Fargo, UV light, 19- VII- 1996,
coll. K. Mundall.

IA, Dallas Co., Adel, DNR
Prairie Forb Plots, 9- VI- 2004, pic. M. J. Hatfield.