Common name: listed here as 'Yellow-legged tiger moth'/ Agreeable tiger moth.
Hodges #: 8134.
Identification: Rfw 15 mm, fw pure white or marked with transverse
spot rows; antennal shaft white, inner face of pro-femora yellow-orange,
hind tibiae with both pre-apical and apical pair of spurs, abdomen white.
Similar species: 8144,
8137, 8136, 8133,
8111, 6798.
Distribution: southwestern U.S. north to southern Canada, east to
Hosts: larvae are general feeders on herbaceous plants including
Taraxicum-- dandelion, Plantago-- plantain, and
Amaranthus-- pigweeds.

MN, Polk Co., Agassiz Dunes SNA, T147N R44W,
Sec. 19. Hg/UV light, 11- VI- 1998, coll. G. Fauske.

MN, Beltrami Co., Webster Lake camp ground, 27- V-
2002, pic. G. Fauske. |