Yellow Ribbon Information
NDSU participates in the VA's Yellow Ribbon Program.
All students under Chapter 33, the Post-9/11 GI Bill should check their Campus Connection accounts to ensure they are being charged the in-state tuition rate. Please notify Military & Veterans Services if your account is incorrect.
Only individuals eligible for 100% under Post-9/11 can use Yellow Ribbon if needed.
More information:
Per North Dakota state regulations, the following individuals qualify for the in-state tuition rate:
- A full-time active duty member of the armed forces
- A member of the ND national guard
- A member of the armed forces reserve component stationed in ND
- A veteran as defined in section 37-01-40
- The spouse of:
- A full-time active duty member of the armed forces
- A member of the ND national guard
- A member of the armed forces reserve component stationed in this state
- A veteran as defined in section 37-01-40, provided the veteran is eligible to transfer entitlement under the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008
- A dependent of:
- A full-time active duty member of the armed forces
- A member of the ND national guard
- A member of the armed forces reserve component stationed in this state
- A veteran as defined in section 37-01-40, provided the veteran is eligible to transfer entitlement under the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008
- A child, widow, or widower of a veteran as defined in section 37-01-40 who was killed in action or died from wounds or other service-connected causes, was totally disabled as a result of service-connected causes, died from service-connected disabilities, was a prisoner of war, or was declared missing in action.
HAVE QUESTIONS about Military Education Benefits?... Please contact:
Military and Veterans Certification
112 Morrill Hall
NDSU Dept. 2801 / P.O. Box 6050 / Fargo, ND 58108-6050
(701) 231-7985 (local) / 800-608-6378 (toll free) /701-231-8959 (fax)