Stakeholder Input 2021-2022
Following is a list of stakeholder input from 2021-2022. This page will be updated periodically.
November 2, 2021 listening session input shared before the Board
- ND Wheat Commission - Neal Fisher, Administrator
- Red River Basin Commission - Ted Preister, Executive Director (additional document)
- ND State Soil Conservation Committee - Dr. Aaron Field on behalf of Barton Schott, Chair
- Rural Leadership North Dakota (RLND) - Barry Medd, Chair
- ND Nursery, Greenhouse and Landscape Association - Marry Holm, Retired Executive Director
- ND Soybean Growers Association - Nancy Johnson, Executive Director
- ND 4-H Foundation - Mark Landa, Chair
- ND Grain Growers Association - Dan Wogsland, Executive Director
- ND Corn Growers Association - Brenda Elmer, Executive Director; and ND Corn Council - Jean Henning, Executive Director
- NDSU Extension - Agriculture and Natural Resources - Dr. Charlie Stoltenow, Assistant Director
- NDSU Extension - Center for 4-H Youth Development - Dr. Leigh Ann Skurupey, Interim Director
- NDSU Extension - Familty and Community Wellness - Dr. Carrie Johnson, Interim Assistant Director
- NDSU Agribusiness and Applied Economics - William Nganje, Chair
- NDSU Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering - Kenneth Hellevang, Interim Chair
- NDSU Animal Sciences - Marc Bauer, Interim Head
- NDSU Microbiological Sciences - John McEvoy, Head
- NDSU Plant Sciences - Richard Horsley, Head
- NDAES Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory - Brett Webb, Director
- NDSU Plant Pathology - Jack Rasmussen, Chair
- NDSU School of Natural Resource Sciences - Frank Casey, Director
November 3, 2021 listening session input shared before the Board
- Agronomy Seed Farm - Brian Otteson, Director
- North Central Research Extension Center - Shana Forster, Director
- Langdon Research Extension Center - Randy Mehlhoff, Director
- Carrington Research Extension Center - Mike Ostlie, Acting Director
- Dickinson Research Extension Center - Chris Augustin, Director
- Central Grasslands Research Extension Center - Kevin Sedivec, Interim Director
- Garrison Diversion Conservancy District - Kelly Kolsterman, Board Director
- Maria Toomey, Exension Master Gardener Program
- ND Beekeepers Association - Mark Sperry, Southeast Director
- Ducks Unlimited - Ryan Taylor
- Northern Plains Potato Growers Association - John Nordgaard
- ND Livestock Alliance - Amber Boeshans, Executive Director
- Baker Nursery - Eric Baker
- JoAnn Rodenbiker, Extension Citizens Adivsory Council Member
December 7, 2021 listening session input shared before the Board
- ND Stockmen's Association - Elizabeth Neshem
- Building Resilient Communities and People initiative; Increasng Food Security initiative (value added food products); Growing a Stonger Workforce emphasis; Eradication and control efforts of noxious weed; 4-H
- U.S. Durum Growers Association - Scott Monke, President
- Representative Mike Lefor
- Senator Rich Wardner
- Williston Research Exenstion Center - Jerry Bergman, Director
- Williston Resarch Extension Center (WREC)/Eastern Agricultural Research Center (EARC) Advisory Board - Tom Wheeler
- ND State Soil Conservation Committee - Wes Federick, Vice Chair
- Hettinger Research Extension Center - Christopher Schauer, Director
- ND Soybean Council - Kendall Nichols, Director of Research
- ND 4-H Foundation Board - Becky Peterson
- Ecological Insights Corporation - Rebecca Phillips
- State Ave Veterinary Clinic - Shelley Lenz, DVM
- ND Pork Council - Tamra Heins, State Executive Director
- Plant Perfect - Casey McCollum
- Ted Becker
Written and Online Input Submitted to the Board
- Food production research - Phil Lowe, Minot , ND- 8/20/21
- Sugarbeet research - Joe Hastings, American Crystal Sugar - 9/17/21
- Woody plant improvement and horticulture research - Beth Hill, ND Forest Service - 10/15/21
- Workforce devel., food security, resiliency/mental health - Jim Deal, NDSU College of HSE - 10/19/21
- ND Dry Bean Council - 11/4/21
- ND Irrigation Association - 12/28/21(updated from 11/15/21)
- 4-H - Tobias Zikmund
- ND Beekeepers Association - 12/1/21
- Sen. Tim Mathern - 12/9/21
- Oakes Irrigation Research Site - Growing Small Towns - 12/29/21
- Red River Valley Sugarbeet Growers Assoc.: Waldron Hall, Plant Sciences Adjuvant Specialist - 12/31/21
- North Dakota Weed Control Association - 1/4/22
- Horticulture/Greenhouse related testimony:
- Emily Hilgers, Master Gardener - 10/11/21
- Curt Larson, Master Gardener, Forman, ND - 10/12/21
- Donna Maston, Watford City, ND - 10/12/21
- Jodi Peterson, Master Gardener - 10/12/21
- Butch Fangsrud - 10/12/21
- Myla Alsaker - 10/12/21
- Laura Wiest Kourajian, Bismarck, ND - 10/13/21
- Linda Reinhart, Portland, ND - 10/14/21
- Diane Gronfur, Master Gardener - 10/14/21
- Nelson Rosit, Master Gardener - 10/14/21
- Dick Johnson, Brampton, ND - 10/18/21
- Brenda Wickenhauser - 10/19/21
- Jeanne Ahlers, Master Gardener, Leonard, ND - 10/24/21
- Bismarck Mandan Garden Club - 10/25/21
- Grand Forks Horticultural Society Members and Friends - 10/25/21
- Jessica Uran, Master Gardener, New Town, ND - 10/25/21
- Brenda Jorgenson, Master Gardener, Tioga, ND - 10/26/21
- Central North Dakota Daylily Society - 10/27/21
- Gwen Brady, Master Gardener - 10/27/21
- Lila Hlebichuk, Master Gardener - 10/28/21
- Mary Baker, Baker's Garden, Omaha, NE - 10/30/21
- William S. Niehaus, Fargo, ND - 10/28/21
- Penny Seifert - 11/1/21
- Bert T. Swanson, Swanson's Nursery Consulting, Inc.- 11/1/21
- Jan Reiser, Master Gardener - 11/2/21
- Eileen Stokkeland, Master Gardener, Cooperstown, ND - 11/5/21
- Kristi Marks - 11/8/21
- Carol Seim - 11/8/21
- ND Nursery, Greenhouse & Landscape Association - Gloria Vande Brake, Executive Director
- Phil Lowe - 12/3/2021