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Check Your Roof for Ice Dams


Ice dams look like an ice ridge along the edge of the roof. They indicate that your house is leaking heat and does not have adequate attic ventilation. It’s important to look for these spots because water behind the ice may enter the house causing insulation to be ineffective, leading to the rotting of structural wood, staining wall coverings and creating conditions conducive for mold growth. 

      Ice dams occur when escaping heat melts the snow on the roof and the water freezes when it reaches the cooler surface near the eaves.  The best way to reduce the potential for ice dams is by providing adequate attic insulation and ventilation that keep the roof cold and to minimize any air leaks from the living space into the attic. 

      The snow on your house should look like it does on an unheated, detached garage -with only a little melt around the edges. You do not want bare spots. That means there is warm air leaking from the living area that warms the roof, triggering an ice-dam.