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Family Caregiving

woman smiling at mom in sitting in a wheelchair
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Powerful Tools for Caregivers

Powerful Tools for Caregivers

NDSU Extension provides statewide coordination for this national program. Over the course of six weeks, family caregivers learn about tools needed to take care of themselves. If family caregivers learn to take good care of themselves, they will be better prepared to take good care of their loved ones.
One of the most important aspects of managing life as a family caregiver is accessing useful resources that can provide needed knowledge and skills. The list of helpful resources below provides information about educational materials and…
Support and resources in the caregiving process come in many forms: prayer, talking to family or friends, visits with professionals or assistive equipment. One of the most important aspects of managing life as a caregiver is accessing…
Understanding myths versus realities in family caregiving can be helpful. This publication explores different realities you can face with family caregiving.
The time to plan for the care needs of yourself, a family member or another you care about is before the person might need it. At the least, planning often can occur before the care needs become more significant. Planning for care involves…
Family members or friends may feel awkward or uncertain about having a conversation with you about providing care. They may worry about your feelings or be unsure of what you think. You can help them by starting the care conversation.
Family caregiving is an activity that occurs across many different settings. Individuals in need of care at particular times may include adult children with special needs, aging parents, a sick family member or a friend. People may need…
Caregiving provided to aging family members or others in need often is associated with stress and burnout. Although providing direct care to a family member or someone else can result in significant stress, remember that this experience…
Our ability to interact with and connect to family members is integral, especially for those individuals in the second half of life. Peer connections are increasingly important as people age and are vital to well-being. Peers refer to…
Our ability to interact with and connect to family members is integral, especially for those older individuals in the second half of life. Parent-child connections are a core family attachment. Parents and children often exchange practical…
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