Propose New Courses

The curricular review process for new courses includes the following approvals after the proposal is first initiated in CourseLeaf's Course Inventory Management (CIM) module:

  1. Department Chair or Head
  2. College Curriculum Committee
  3. College Dean
  4. General Education Committee (for general education courses)
  5. University Curriculum Committee
  6. Faculty Senate (consent agenda)

One exception to this review process is for Special Topics courses, which include the following course numbers: 199, 299, 399, 499, 596, 696, 796, 896. Faculty Senate does not approve special topics courses, though information about special topics courses are shared with Faculty Senate.

Procedure for submitting proposals

  1. Open the CourseLeaf Course Inventory Management (CIM) module. You will need to authenticate using your Bison Login.
  2. Click on the Propose New Course button. An electronic form will open in a new window.
  3. Complete the proposal information in the electronic form using various drop-down fields, radio buttons, and text boxes.
    • Indicate whether the course should be considered for the general education program.
    • Provide a thorough justification for the proposed course.
  4. Provide the course learning outcomes.
  5. Indicate which programs will include this course as required or as an elective.
  6. Upload a course syllabus. See Policy 331.1: Course Syllabus for details about information that should be included in a course syllabus.
  7. Upload any additional documents (for example, a letter of support from another department) that will be helpful as supporting documents.
  8. Click on the Save Changes button if you plan to return and make additional changes.
  9. Click on the Start Workflow button if the proposal is ready to begin the curricular review process.

Proposal initiators may access the CourseLeaf CIM module at any time to see the workflow progress and approval path for the proposed course. Use the search feature to locate the proposed course, then click on the course within the table of search results. Workflow and approvals will appear on the right side of the CourseLeaf interface.

Procedure for submitting Special Topics proposals

  1. Open the CourseLeaf Course Inventory Management (CIM) module. You will need to authenticate using your Bison Login.
  2. Use the search feature to locate the existing Special Topics course (199, 299, 399, 499, 596, 696, 796, 896) for the desired prefix (e.g, ENGL 499), then click on the course within the table of search results.
  3. Click on the Add New Topic button. An electronic form will open in a new window.
  4. Complete the proposal information in the electronic form using various drop-down fields, radio buttons, and text boxes.
  5. Upload a course syllabus. See Policy 331.1: Course Syllabus for details about information that should be included in a course syllabus.
  6. Click on the Save Changes button if you plan to return and make additional changes.
  7. Click on the Start Workflow button if the proposal is ready to begin the curricular review process.

Proposal initiators may access the CourseLeaf CIM module at any time to see the workflow progress and approval path for the proposed course. Use the search feature to locate the proposed course, then click on the course within the table of search results. Workflow and approvals will appear on the right side of the CourseLeaf interface.

CourseLeaf tutorial for Course Inventory Management

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