General Education Course Syllabus Requirements

All general education course syllabi and course web sites must identify the course as having been approved for meeting General Education requirements and include the general education outcomes for which each course is approved.

The General Education Committee requires faculty to include the following material in syllabi for new courses and syllabi for five-year reviews. The Committee urges all faculty to include this general education information on present courses approved for general education.

  1. Syllabi should identify the appropriate general education category.
    1. One example of identifying categories is:
      This course has been approved for the Humanities category in general education because it "systematically explores cultural and intellectual forces shaping events, individual expression, and social values."

    2. Another example of identifying general education categories is:
      This course has been approved for the Social and Behavioral Sciences category in general education because it uses "scientific methods to analyze the behaviors, structures, and processes of individuals and groups." This course has also been approved to meet the Global Perspectives category because it focuses on "analysis of worldwide issues illustrating the Interdependence of the world and its people." 

  2. Syllabi should also explain how students meet the general education outcomes by the activities in the course. 
    1. One example of explaining the relationship between course activities and general education outcomes is:
      The readings and lectures for this course will help students to meet General Education Outcome 3 ("Comprehend the concepts and perspectives needed to function in national and international societies") by increasing their understanding of the differing experiences of men and women of various classes, ethnic groups, and races in the American past and by increasing their understanding of the foundations of the American form of government and the evolution of its functions. Students will demonstrate their comprehension of concepts and perspectives needed to function in national and international societies on the exams and in one short paper.

      The readings and lectures for this course will help students to meet General Education Outcome 6 ("Integrate knowledge and ideas in a coherent and meaningful manner") by providing examples of integrating knowledge and ideas. Students will demonstrate their abilities to integrate course material on the exams and in one short paper.

    2. Another example of explaining the relationship between course activities and general education outcomes is:
      This course will help students meet General Education Outcome 3 ("Comprehend the concepts and perspectives needed to function in national and international societies") by giving you an appreciation for and an understanding of the impact that global terrorism has on international and national politics through lecture and recitation-discussion. This will be measured by your performance on key test questions.

      General Education Outcome 6 ("Integrate knowledge and ideas in a coherent and meaningful manner") will be accomplished by each student gathering and analyzing information , and by writing a short theme paper on a topic relevant to the course. 
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