Health, Nutrition, & Exercise Sciences
HNES offers three undergraduate majors; including Exercise Science, Nutrition Science and Sport Management.
At the graduate level, we offer a Ph.D. degree in Exercise Science and Nutrition, and four Master’s degrees; including a professional master’s degree in Athletic Training, Dietetics (on-line), Sport Management, and HNES which has an option of Exercise/Nutrition Science. HNES also offers a Graduate Certificate Program in Intercollegiate Athletics Administration.
We also offer General Education Wellness courses through on site and distance learning.
HNES Vision and Mission Statement
We aspire to be a preeminent multidisciplinary department by preparing quality professionals, high impact research, and valuable community outreach.Mission
To create and communicate multidisciplinary knowledge through innovative instruction, research, and service.
Core Values
The strategic plan is based on the following HNES core values: Integrity, Innovation, Inclusion, Collegiality, Excellence, Service (I3CES).Click to see the
HNES Strategic Plan 2022-2027.