The 2025 Reservation Signup and Menu are available!

Parking for Spring 2025

This spring, there are some construction projects going on around campus. The best place to park while at the 800 Cafe is in the Memorial Union parking lot. It has a physical pay kiosk which accepts cash, coin or credit card payments. Guests can purchase as little as 30 minutes up to all day parking. We also have the Passport mobile parking app which can be downloaded and used to pay for their parking time in these same lots.

Another lot is the T2 lot. It is at the corner of Bolley Drive and 12th Ave N. Typically the T2 parking lot has the most guaranteed availability in it for guests but it is about a 1 ½ block distance from FLC.

All of the pay lots are on a first come first serve basis.

The 800 Cafe

The 800 Cafe, the NDSU Nutrition Science student-led cafe, is open to the public Thursdays beginning March 6, 2025 through April 24, 2025. The cafe brings healthful, artisan meals that are under 800 calories. Each lunch is $15.00. Four meal punch cards are available for $50.00 and can be purchased at the 800 cafe door. For reservations, please access the online reservation sign-up by clicking on the reservations photo or email Please mention any dietary needs or food allergies when making your reservation. Seating is between 11:00 am. and 12:15 pm.. Your meal can also be to go if you prefer. Walk-ins are welcome if space is available. The link to the map is below under location.

The class is instructed by Sherri Stastny, PhD, RD, CSSD, LRD, Professor in Health, Nutrition, and Exercise Sciences.  


The 800 Cafe is located in Family Life Center (FLC) 312.  

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