CIP Codes by Program
CIP Code | Program |
52.0399 | Accountancy |
52.0301 | Accounting |
51.3803 | Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner |
13.1201 | Adult Learning |
51.3805 | Advanced Nursing Practice |
09.0903 | Advertising and Design |
19.0702 | Aging Studies |
01.0102 | Agribusiness |
01.0103 | Agribusiness and Applied Economics |
14.0301 | Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering |
01.0802 | Agricultural Communication |
01.0103 | Agricultural Economics |
13.1301 | Agricultural Education |
01.0000 | Agricultural Sciences |
01.0201 | Agricultural Systems Management |
01.0901 | Animal Science |
45.0201 | Anthropology |
19.0901 | Apparel, Retail Merchandising, and Design |
45.0603 | Applied Economics |
27.0501 | Applied Statistics |
04.0201 | Architecture |
50.0701 | Art |
13.1302 | Art Education |
51.0913 | Athletic Training |
CIP Code | Program |
42.2708 | Behavioral Statistics |
27.0599 | Big Data Applied Statistical Analysis |
26.0202 | Biochemistry |
26.0210 | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology |
26.0101 | Biological Sciences |
13.1322 | Biological Sciences Education |
26.0101 | Biology |
14.0501 | Biomedical Engineering |
26.1201 | Biotechnology |
52.0201 | Business Administration |
52.1301 | Business Analytics |
13.1303 | Business Education |
CIP Code | Program |
26.0406 | Cellular and Molecular Biology |
01.1002 | Cereal Science |
40.0501 | Chemistry |
13.1323 | Chemistry Education |
14.0801 | Civil Engineering |
40.0507 | Coatings and Polymeric Materials |
13.1299 | College Teaching |
09.0100 | Communication |
45.0604 | Community Development |
30.3301 | Community Planning and Resilience |
13.1316 | Comprehensive Science Education |
14.0901 | Computer Engineering |
11.0701 | Computer Science |
11.0199 | Computer Science Education |
11.0701 | Computer Science Foundations |
11.0101 | Computing and Security |
11.0701 | Computing Systems |
14.3301 | Construction Engineering |
15.1001 | Construction Management |
11.0701 | Core Computer Science Competencies |
13.1101 | Counseling |
13.1101 | Counselor Education and Supervision |
43.0104 | Criminal Justice |
01.0304 | Crop and Weed Sciences |
11.1003 | Cybersecurity |
CIP Code | Program |
30.7001 | Data Science (Undergraduate and Graduate Degree) |
11.0102 | Data Science (Undergraduate Certificate) |
42.2703 | Development Science |
13.1214 | Discipline-Based Education Research |
51.3101 | Dietetics |
52.1401 | Digital Marketing and Innovation |
CIP Code | Program |
13.1337 | Earth Science Education |
45.0601 | Economic Computation |
45.0601 | Economics |
13.1206 | Education |
13.0601 | Education (Doctoral) |
13.0401 | Educational Leadership |
14.1001 | Electrical and Computer Engineering |
14.1001 | Electrical Engineering |
43.0302 | Emergency Management |
14.0101 | Engineering |
23.0101 | English |
13.1305 | English Education |
52.0203 | Enterprise Resources Planning |
26.0702 | Entomology |
52.0701 | Entreprenuership |
26.1305 | Environmental and Conservation Science |
04.0401 | Environmental Design |
14.1401 | Environmental Engineering |
01.0507 | Equine Science |
52.0907 | Event Management |
31.0505 | Exercise Science |
19.0501 | Exercise Science and Nutrition |
01.0801 | Extension Education |
CIP Code | Program |
13.1308 | Family and Consumer Sciences Education |
52.0804 | Family Financial Planning |
43.0405 | Financial Forensics and Fraud Investigation |
52.0801 | Finance |
01.1099 | Food Safety |
01.1001 | Food Science |
11.0101 | Fundamentals of Computing and Security |
CIP Code | Program |
26.0807 | Genomics, Phenomics, and Bioinformatics |
40.0601 | Geology |
16.0501 | German |
30.1101 | Gerontology |
41.9999 | GIS and Remote Sensing |
52.1101 | Global Business |
30.2001 | Global Studies |
CIP Code | Program |
13.1307 | Health Education |
19.0501 | Health, Nutrition and Exercise Science |
51.0000 | Health Services |
54.0101 | History |
13.1328 | History Education |
01.1103 | Horticulture and Urban Agriculture |
52.0901 | Hospitality and Event Management |
19.0701 | Human Development and Family Science |
CIP Code | Program |
14.3501 | Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering |
14.3501 | Industrial Engineering and Management |
11.0103 | Information Technology |
13.1312 | Instrumental Music Education |
31.0504 | Intercollegiate Athletics Administration |
50.0408 | Interior Design |
01.0701 | International Agribusiness |
52.0801 | Investments and Applied Portfolio Management |
CIP Code | Program |
09.0499 | Journalism |
CIP Code | Program |
04.0601 | Landscape Architecture |
52.0299 | Leadership and Managerial Skills |
13.1314 | Leadership in Physical Education and Sport Coaching |
CIP Code | Program |
52.0299 | Management |
52.0501 | Management Communication |
52.1201 | Management Information Systems |
14.3601 | Manufacturing Engineering |
52.1401 | Marketing |
40.1099 | Materials and Nanotechnology |
27.0101 | Mathematics |
13.1311 | Mathematics Education |
14.1901 | Mechanical Engineering |
51.1005 | Medical Laboratory Science |
19.0905 | Merchandising |
26.0502 | Microbiology |
50.0901 | Music |
50.0901 | Music Education - Instrumental, Vocal |
CIP Code | Program |
03.0201 | Natural Resources Management |
03.0101 | Natural Resource Sciences |
45.0601 | New Institutional Social Science |
51.3801 | Nursing |
30.1901 | Nutrition Science |
CIP Code | Program |
52.0201 | Organizational Change Management |
52.0213 | Organizational Leadership |
CIP Code | Program |
51.2010 | Pharmaceutical Sciences |
51.2001 | Pharmacy |
24.0103 | Philosophy, Ethics, and Applied Humanities |
13.1314 | Physical Education |
40.0801 | Physics |
13.1329 | Physics Education |
26.0305 | Plant Pathology |
01.1102 | Plant Sciences |
45.1001 | Political Science |
01.0308 | Precision Agriculture Technology and Mangement |
52.0704 | Private Enterprise |
38.0104 | Professional Ethics |
52.1804 | Professional Selling |
23.1303 | Professional Writing |
42.2704 | Psychological Clinical Science |
42.0101 | Psychology |
51.2201 | Public Health |
26.1309 | Public Health in Epidemiology |
54.0105 | Public History |
44.0501 | Public Policy |
09.1001 | Publishing |
CIP Code | Program |
51.0911 | Radiologic Sciences |
01.1106 | Range Science |
51.0908 | Respiratory Care |
23.1304 | Rhetoric, Theory, and Culture |
CIP Code | Program |
13.1318 | Social Science Education |
45.1101 | Sociology |
11.0701 | Software Development |
11.0501 | Software Engineering (Undergraduate Certificate) |
14.0903 | Software Engineering (Undergraduate Degree) |
14.0903 | Software and Security Engineer (Graduate Degree) |
01.1201 | Soil Science |
16.0905 | Spanish |
13.1330 | Spanish Education |
13.1314 | Sport Coaching |
31.0504 | Sport Management |
27.0501 | Statistics |
09.0900 | Strategic Communication |
13.1102 | Student Affairs Administration |
52.1301 | Supply Chain Management |
CIP Code | Program |
13.0501 | Technology Enhanced Instruction |
50.0501 | Theatre Arts |
52.0209 | Transportation and Supply Chain |
CIP Code | Program |
30.9999 | University Studies |
CIP Code | Program |
01.8301 | Veterinary Technology |
13.1312 | Vocal Music Education |
CIP Code | Program |
40.0605 | Water Resources |
05.0207 | Women and Gender Studies |
CIP Code | Program |
19.0709 | Youth Development |
44.0702 | Youth Program Management and Evaluation |