Payments can be submitted in the following ways:
All online payments are applied immediately to the student’s Campus Connection account.
- Electronic Check payments may be submitted using a personal savings or checking account. There is no additional fee for submitting an Electronic Check payment.
- Debit Card transactions should be made using the electronic checking method by entering the bank account and routing number associated with the debit card.
- Credit Card payments may be submitted using Discover, MasterCard, VISA, or American Express cards.
Credit Card payments will incur a non-refundable service fee of 2.85% of the total payment amount. This fee is assessed and collected by the card processor, not the University.
Instructions on how to Make a General Payment, Pay Specific Charges and how to obtain a Receipt/Proof of Payment
By Mail
Check payments, including money orders and college savings plan payments, should be made out to NDSU and mailed to:
Customer Account Services
NDSU Department 3110
P.O. Box 6050
Fargo, ND 58108-6050
Please include the student name and ID number to ensure proper posting.
In Person
Cash and check payments are accepted at the One Stop in the Memorial Union.
Monthly Payment Plan
Agreeing to a Monthly Payment Plan at NDSU enables students to pay tuition and fee charges over a three month period. As long as payments are current, enrolling in a payment plan eliminates late fees and registration holds. Payment Plan Terms and Enrollment
Third Party Payments
If your student account charges will be paid by a third-party entity (e.g., military or disability), please submit a copy of the billing authorization to Customer Account Services before the semester payment due date. Billing authorizations may be delivered to Ceres Hall, 302 or emailed to Authorizations received after the deadline may not be processed and/or the student may be subject to late payment fees.
The third-party billing option may not be available for students receiving tuition assistance/reimbursement from their employers, except in instances where the employer will sponsor ten or more employees in a single semester. Employers requesting to set up a group contract may contact Customer Account Services through the email address above, or by phone at 701-231-8782, for additional information, and the appropriate form.
Please be aware that third-party accounts that remain unpaid at the conclusion of the semester will become the responsibility of the student and may result in registration delays and transcript/diploma holds.
Advanced Payments
NDSU welcomes advance payments from students and/or parents. Advance payments are those received before the charges appear on the student’s account in Campus Connection. For example, a payment made in August to cover monthly apartment rent charges for the entire fall semester.
Guidelines and Limitations:
- Student must be admitted to NDSU and registered for classes before payment may be accepted.
- Payments may be for the current academic year only. The academic year starts with the fall semester and concludes in the summer. For example, a student/parent may elect to make payment in August for both the fall and spring semesters. Payment in advance will not be accepted for multiple academic years.
- Unused funds from an advance payment will be refunded to the student on approximately May 1st each year, unless the student is enrolled in the summer semester.
Note: NDSU is not able to provide students and/or parents with tax advice.
Advance payments made by made by cash or check in person at the NDSU OneStop in the Memorial Union; or online. Advance payments are also accepted by mail:
Customer Account Services
NDSU Dept. 3110
P.O. Box 6050
Fargo, ND 58108-6050
Please be sure to indicate the payment’s purpose (for example, ‘NDSU rent payment for Sept, Student ID xxxxxxx’) to ensure proper posting.
529 College Savings Plans
NDSU is an Eligible Education Institution for the purposes of receiving payment from Qualified Tuition Programs (i.e., 529 college savings plans). Distributions may be sent directly to the University at the address listed below to be applied directly to the student account. Please allow 4-6 weeks for the 529 plan administrator to process your request and deliver payment to NDSU.
Customer Account Services
NDSU Department 3110
P.O. Box 6050
Fargo, ND 58108-6050
Distribution checks may be greater than the amount owed (limit of $1700 per semester), causing a refund to the student. Refunds are not sent to the 529 plan owner. Distribution checks received in amounts significantly exceeding the amount estimated to be owed for the academic year will be returned to the 529 plan administrator. Students may contact Customer Account Services to request that a No Refunds hold be placed on their account to allow the excess funds to be carried over to a future semester. Refunds may not be carried over between academic years or semesters in which the student is not enrolled.
Qualified Higher Education Expenses may include tuition, student fees, room, board, books, and computer equipment.
Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Payments
A. For individuals with an NDSU Campus Connection account.
Check or electronic check payments returned for non-sufficient funds, stop payment requests or a closed account will result in:
- A $25.00 Returned Check Fee.
- The amount being reflected in Campus Connection as owed to NDSU.
- The placement of a Customer Account Services hold denying the account holder the ability to pay by personal check.
- Cancellation of the student's enrollment in the current or future semester.
B. For all businesses and individuals without an NDSU account.
Check or electronic check payments returned for non-sufficient funds, stop payment requests or a closed account will result in:
- A $25.00 Returned Check Fee.
- May result in the referral of the debt to the North Dakota State Attorney General's Office
- May result in the suspension of payer's ability to submit future payments by personal check.
For questions regarding this procedure or to make arrangements to resolve a returned payment please contact Customer Account Services at (701) 231-8782.